IBM Books

Administration and Programming Guide for OS/400

Overview of Net.Data-Supplied Language Environments

Net.Data provides language environments that let you access data and programming resources for your application.

Table 3 provides a brief description of each language environment.

Table 3. Net.Data Language Environments

Language Environment Environment Name Description
Direct Call DTW_DIRECTCALL The Direct Call language environment supports calls to external programs that are written using a high-level programming language such as RPG, COBOL, and C/C++.
Java Application DTW_JAVAPPS Net.Data supports your existing Java applications with the Java language environment.
REXX DTW_REXX The REXX language environment interprets internal REXX programs that are specified in a FUNCTION block of the Net.Data macro, or it can execute external REXX programs stored in a separate file.
SQL DTW_SQL The SQL language environment executes SQL statements through DB2. The results of the SQL statement can be returned in a table variable.

The System language environment supports executing commands and calling external programs.

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