IBM Books

Administration and Programming Guide for OS/400

Report Blocks

Use the REPORT block language construct to format and display data output from a FUNCTION block. This output is typically table data, although any valid combination of text, macro variable references, and function calls can be specified. A table name can optionally be specified on the REPORT block. If you do not specify a table name, Net.Data uses the table data from the first output table in the FUNCTION parameter list.

The REPORT block has three parts, each of which is optional:


<H2>Query Results</H2>
<P>Select a name for details.
    <a href="/cgi-bin/db2www/name.d2w/details?name=$(V1)&location;=$(V2)">$(V1)</a>

REPORT Block Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when creating REPORT blocks:

Example: Customizing a Report

The following example shows how you can customize report formats using special variables and HTML tags. It displays the names, phone numbers, and FAX numbers from the table CustomerTbl:

  %FUNCTION(DTW_SQL) custlist() {
    SELECT Name, Phone, Fax FROM CustomerTbl
<I>Phone Query Results:</I>
Name: <B>$(V1)</B>
Phone: $(V2)
Fax: $(V3)
    Total records retrieved: $(TOTAL_ROWS)

The resulting report looks like this in the Web browser:

Phone Query Results:
Name: Doen, David
Phone: 422-245-1293
Fax: 422-245-7383
Name: Ramirez, Paolo
Phone: 955-768-3489
Fax: 955-768-3974
Name: Wu, Jianli
Phone: 525-472-1234
Fax: 525-472-1234
Total records retrieved: 3

Net.Data generated the report by:

  1. Printing Phone Query Results: once at the beginning of the report. This text, along with the separator line, is the header part of the REPORT block.
  2. Replacing the variables V1, V2, and V3 with their values for Name, Phone, and Fax respectively for each row as it is retrieved.
  3. Printing the string Total records retrieved: and the value for TOTAL_ROWS once at the end of the report. (This text is the footer part of the REPORT block.)

Multiple REPORT Blocks

You can specify multiple REPORT blocks within a single FUNCTION or MACRO FUNCTION block to generate multiple reports with one function call.

Typically, you would use multiple REPORT blocks with the DTW_SQL language environment with a function that calls a stored procedure, which returns multiple result sets (see Stored Procedures). However, multiple REPORT blocks can be used with any language environment to generate multiple reports.

To use multiple REPORT blocks, place a Net.Data table variable in the function parameter list. If more result sets are returned from the stored procedure than the number of REPORT blocks you have specified, and if the Net.Data built-in function DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT = "MULTIPLE", then default reports are generated for each table that is not associated with a report block. If no report blocks are specified, and if DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT = "YES", then only one default report will be generated. Note that for the SQL language environment only, a DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT value of "YES" is equivalent to a value of "MULTIPLE".


The following examples demonstrate ways in which you can use multiple report blocks.

To display multiple reports using default report formatting:

Example 1: DTW_SQL language environment

%FUNCTION (dtw_sql) myStoredProc (OUT table1, table2) {
     CALL myproc   %}

In this example, the stored procedure myproc returns two result sets, which are placed in table1 and table2. Because no REPORT blocks are specified, default reports are displayed for both tables, table1 first, then table2.

Example 2: MACRO_FUNCTION block. In this example, two tables are passed into the MACRO_FUNCTION block. When DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT="MULTIPLE" is specified, Net.Data generates reports for both tables.

%MACRO_FUNCTION multReport (INOUT tablename1, tablename2) { 

In this example, two tables are passed into the MACRO_FUNCTION multReport. Again, Net.Data displays default reports for the two tables in the order in which they appear in the MACRO FUNCTION block parameter list, table1 first, then table2.

Example 3: DTW_REXX language environment

%FUNCTION (dtw_rexx) multReport (INOUT table1, table2) {
     SAY 'Generating multiple default reports...<BR>'   

In this example, two tables are passed into the REXX function multReport. Because DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT="YES" is specified, Net.Data displays a default report for the first table only.

To display multiple reports by specifying REPORT blocks for display processing:

Example 1: Named REPORT blocks

%FUNCTION(dtw_sql) myStoredProc (OUT table1, table2) {
   CALL myproc (table1, table2)
   %REPORT(table2) { 
     %ROW {  ....   %}   
   %REPORT(table1) {     
     %row {  ....   %} 

In this example, REPORT blocks have been specified for both of the tables passed in the FUNCTION block parameter list. The tables are displayed in the order they are specified on the REPORT blocks, table2 first, then table1. By specifying a table name on the REPORT block, you can control the order in which the reports are displayed.

Example 2: Unnamed REPORT blocks

%FUNCTION(dtw_sql) myStoredProc  (OUT table1, table2) {
   CALL myproc   
   %REPORT {
     %ROW {  ....   %}  
   %REPORT {    
     %ROW {  ....   %}     

In this example, REPORT blocks have been specified for both of the tables passed in the FUNCTION block parameter list. Because there are no table names specified on the REPORT blocks, reports are displayed for the two tables in the order in which they are returned from the stored procedure.

To display multiple reports using a combination of default reports and REPORT blocks:

Example: A combination of default reports and REPORT blocks

%FUNCTION(dtw_system) editTables (INOUT table1, table2, table3) {  
  %EXEC{ /qsys.lib/mylib.lib/mypgm.pgm %}
  %REPORT(table2) {    
    %ROW {  ....   %}    

In this example, only one REPORT block is specified, and because it specifies a table name of table2, it uses this table to display its report. Because there are fewer REPORT blocks specified the number of result sets returned from the stored procedure, default reports are displayed for the remaining for the remaining result sets: first, a default report for table1; then a default report for table3.

Guidelines and Restrictions for Multiple REPORT Blocks

Use the following guidelines and restrictions when specifying multiple REPORT blocks in a FUNCTION or MACRO_FUNCTION block.



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