IBM Books

Administration and Programming Guide for OS/400

Calling Functions

Use a Net.Data function call statement to call both user-defined functions and built-in functions. Use the at (@) character followed by a function name or a macro function name:

@function_name([ argument,... ])

This is the name of the function or macro function to invoke. The function must already be defined in the Net.Data macro, unless this is a built-in function.

This is the name of a variable, a quoted string, a variable reference, or a function call. Arguments on a function call are matched up with the parameters on a function or macro function parameter list. And, each parameter is assigned the value of its corresponding argument while the function or macro function is being processed. The arguments must be the same number and type as the corresponding parameters.

Quoted strings as arguments can contain variable references and functions calls.

Example 1: Function call with a text string argument


Example 2: Function call with a variable and a function call arguments

@myFunction(myvar, @DTW_rADD("2","3"))

Example 3: Function call with a text string argument that contains a variable reference and a function call


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