IBM Books

Administration and Programming Guide for OS/400

Net.Data Configuration Variables

Net.Data provides several configuration variables that can be used to limit the activities of end users or conceal the design of your database.

Control file access with path statements
Net.Data evaluates the settings of path configuration statements to determine the location of files and executable programs that are used by Net.Data macros. These path statements identify one or more directories that Net.Data searches when attempting to locate macro files, executable files, include files, or other flat files. By selectively including directories on these path statements, you can explicitly control the files that are accessible by users at browsers. Refer to Configuring Net.Data for additional detail about path statements.

You should also use authorization checking as described in Using Authorization and verify that file names cannot be changed in INCLUDE statements as described in Macro Development Techniques.

Disable SHOWSQL for production systems
The SHOWSQL variable allows the user to specify that Net.Data displays the SQL statements specified within Net.Data functions at a Web browser. This variable is used primarily for developing and testing the SQL within an application and is not intended for use in production systems.

You can disable the display of SQL statements in production environments using one of the following methods:

See SHOWSQL in the variables chapter of Net.Data Reference for syntax and examples for the SHOWSQL Net.Data variable.

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