IBM Books

Administration and Programming Guide for OS/400

Why Use Net.Data?

Net.Data is a good choice for creating dynamic Web pages because using the macro language is simpler than writing your own Web server applications and because Net.Data lets you use languages that you already know, such as HTML, SQL, REXX, and JavaScript. Net.Data also provides language environments that access DB2 databases, or use REXX, Perl, and other languages for your applications. In addition, changes to a macro can be seen instantaneously on a browser.

Net.Data complements data management capabilities that already exist on your operating system by enabling both data and related business logic for the Web. More specifically, Net.Data:

Interpreted Macro Language

The Net.Data macro language is an interpreted language. When Net.Data is invoked to process a macro, Net.Data directly interprets each language statement in a sequential fashion, starting from the top of the file. Using this approach, any changes you make to a macro can be immediately seen when you next specify the URL that executes the macro. No recompilation is required.

Free Format

The Net.Data macro language has only a few rules about programming format. This simplicity provides programmers with freedom and flexibility. A single instruction can span many lines, or multiple instructions can be entered on a single line. Instructions can begin in any column. Spaces or entire lines can be skipped. Comments can be used anywhere.

Variables Without Type

Net.Data regards all data as character strings. Net.Data uses built-in functions to perform arithmetic operations on a string that represents a valid number, including those in exponential formats. Macro language variables are discussed in detail in Net.Data Macro Variables.

Built-in Functions

Net.Data supplies built-in functions that perform various processing, searching, and comparison operations for both text and numbers. Other built-in functions provide formatting capabilities and arithmetic calculations.

Error Handling

When Net.Data detects an error, messages with explanations are returned to the client. You can customize the error messages before they are returned to a user at a browser. See Net.Data Reference for more information.

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