Information Center

IBM WorldType Fonts

The 5250 display emulator can make use of IBM WorldType Duospace (monospace) fonts. In order to use these fonts, the font file(s) must be installed in the client workstation's operating system.

These font files are shipped with Option 43 (Additional Fonts) of the SS1 product: /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Fonts/TTFonts

The following tables show which IBM WorldType fonts could be used for each language.

V7R1M0 (and previous releases)
Language Font Name File Name
All SBCS languages and Japanese Monotype Sans Duospace WT J mtsansdj.ttf
Thorndale Duospace WT J thrnd_j.ttf
Korean Monotype Sans Duospace WT K mtsansdk.ttf
Thorndale Duospace WT K thrnd_k.ttf
Simplified Chinese Monotype Sans Duospace WT SC mtsansds.ttf
Thorndale Duospace WT SC thrnd_s.ttf
Traditional Chinese Monotype Sans Duospace WT TC mtsansdt.ttf
Thorndale Duospace WT TC thrnd_t.ttf

V7R2M0 (or later)
Language Font Name File Name
All SBCS languages and Japanese WT SansDuo J wtsdj__b.ttf
WT SerifDuo J wt_dj__b.ttf
Korean WT SansDuo K wtsdk__b.ttf
WT SerifDuo K wt_dk__b.ttf
Simplified Chinese WT SansDuo SC wtsds__b.ttf
WT SerifDuo SC wt_ds__b.ttf
Traditional Chinese WT SansDuo TW wtsdtt_b.ttf
WT SerifDuo TW wt_dtt_b.ttf